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7 Day Belief Reset Course

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Here’s why:

We all have 24 hours a day, yet it seems that some people convert massively in that time while others only dream of being there one day as well
In order to survive in our environment, we model our parents and adopt their patterns including their limitations since our birth, although these limitations technically have nothing to do with ourselves
Do you sometimes have fears or unpleasant feelings when you do something, but don't know why? Often we carry around past and seemingly meaningless experiences that affect us more than we realize.

This is not a course for fuzzy chatter that you find on google but for people who are ready to face their fears and achieve true change.

- Adriana

So get ready for true change and learn:

What Core Beliefs are and what impact they have on your life
What negative Core Beliefs you hold
Where your negative beliefs will take you if you don't change them
How to take the energy away from negative beliefs
How to integrate new beliefs that get you where you want to be
How to strengthen the effect of positive beliefs so that they support you in the long run

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Yes, I’m ready!

Are you ready to join me on a 7-day journey of change and take a massive step towards your goals? Then sign up now!

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After you sign up, you will receive an email from me every second day with small exercises, workbooks and tips on how to identify, replace and establish your beliefs.

taking the first step


You can either do the exercises on the same day or when it suits you best. This is a course that you can do flexibly at your own pace.


By the end of the course, you'll have a step-by-step tested and applicable plan for how to work on your Core Beliefs. You can use all the Wokbooks and the exercises they contain even after the course and integrate them into your everyday life to change other beliefs in a sustainable way.

fail and try

Hi, I’m Adriana

When I found out that the classic path of going to university and getting a well-paid job in a company wasn't what I wanted in life, I tried many things to find out where my path should lead.

I tried my luck in many industries, such as direct marketing, food, software, and many others. I failed big time with one of my startups and had to learn the hard way that what really makes me happy is not fulfilling the dream of many to start a big company that brings in billions of dollars, but to start a company that actually represents my values and gives me the financial and personal freedom to do my favorite things.

Since then, I have created successful and profitable six-figure businesses that give me the freedom to live my life the way I want to. This includes morning yoga, daily meditation, and the ability to travel where I want, when I want.

As seen in