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The 7 Day Business Idea Incubator

Ready to build a business and life you've dreamed of?

but if you only know what business idea could get you there...

I have great news for you: I can teach you how to find a business idea in 7 days, with which you can make all these great visions of your life come true!

(Even without having any experience in starting a business or having a million dollar idea already).
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So how about:

Not having to ask a boss for vacation anymore because you are your own boss and have the freedom to spend your day today at your favorite cafe or doing yoga
No more begging for a raise because you can decide how much you want to earn and how much you work
Work when you want, where you want and how you want. To finally realize your dream project and working under palm trees with a cocktail instead of sitting in unnecessary dry meetings

Listen, I know what it feels like to ...

Ask yourself questions like, "am I ungrateful for not being happy with what I have?" or "maybe I should just be happy with what I have, after all I'm lucky where I am, right?"

And the answer is so clear... No! This is your soul telling you that you are made for more. Deep inside you know exactly that the reality you're currently living is not what you're made for, that you can create the life of your dreams.

i know that's you..

You see the pictures of the girls on Instagram who are already on their next trip to Thailand and think to yourself:
"That should be me!"

The good news is, you're much closer to this life than you think ...

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It's so tempting to think that you could just copy the little side hustle idea from these TikTok girlies ...

While there are many good business ideas out there, surely not all of them are right for you!

Mostly it looks like this: At first you're highly motivated, you decide to give it a try and do it for a few days. You just don't get any results and are so frustrated that you leave it again and are back to zero. So once again you proved to yourself that you just don't have it in you. - Am I right?

While the only difference between you and her is that she's doing something you're not (until now)....

Successful businesses aren't copied.
They're created.

No business in the world that you copy 1:1 from someone else will make you truly happy and enable you to live your own dream life. Sooner or later you will always run into your own limitations, value conflicts or contradictions, because it is simply not YOUR business.

And the 7 Day Business Idea Incubator is how you find your own.

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Day 1

Find Your Circle of Expertise

Find out your unique inner drivers and strengths that empower you to do things others can only dream of. Find out what you are an expert in and can help others with your expertise.

This is your first step!

Day 2

Define your Dream Life

Program your mental navigation system to a crystal clear target image. What would your life look like if you could envision it? What would you do every day, what would you stop doing and what place would your work have in it?

Day 3

Explore Your Inner Drivers

What experiences motivate you to give your all every day? Your personal values and beliefs have a huge impact on which business ideas are going to work for you, as nothing manipulates your success more than an inner conflict.

Day 4

Analyze your current situation

Analyze what resources are available to you to create your dream business. Are you already an experienced founder or are you starting a business for the first time? How much financial resources do you have available and how much time can you realistically spend on your new business?

Day 5

Ideating Business Ideas

Time to get creative and find potential business opportunities. Let your creativity run wild and bring all the ideas you have on paper to analyze them tomorrow.

dream big, hun!

Day 6

Evaluating Your Business Ideas

Let's find the gems that will get you to your goal. By using a creativity technique, we sort your ideas according to suitability for you, giving all objections their place and shaping the idea so that it brings the greatest potential.

Day 7

Decision Making and Getting Started

Now it's getting serious: today you decide on the business idea that will change your life based on your analysis as well as one last check with your subconscious mind before we create an action plan and you take the first step into your new life!

Your fresh start!

What you should know about the 7 Day Business Idea Incubator:

This program is for anyone who wants to develop a business idea that will make them truly happy in the long run and not someone who is hoping for get rich quick cheats.
I have built my own multiple 6 figure businesses with this program, with which I have today earned the freedom to work where I want, when I want and with whom I want.
You should set aside 30-60 minutes per day for the program if you are serious about building a business that fulfills you financially as well as personally.

What others say about the business idea incubator

Client voices
What my students say
"It totally surprised me how easy it ended up being to find something that brought me so tangibly closer to my goal. Highly recommend it!"
- Nina
What my students say
"Wow, it feels really great to finally know what idea I can move forward with now, I'm incredibly motivated to tackle my new life! I feel like I've received a new burst of energy, in that everything feels so tangible now."
- Rose

Here's what you get:

A clear path to find your business idea

You receive a the step by step path to find a promising business idea that will truly serve you in the long run and lead you to the fulfillment of your dream life.

Bite sized videos with daily exercises

I'll guide you on your journey with daily crisp videos explaining what really matters when developing your business idea to create the life you have dreamed of.

A workbook that accompanies you

In the workbook, you can track all of your progress step-by-step and refer back to it also for future projects. It serves as a guide for you throughout the entire journey.

The 7 Day Business Idea Incubator Course is not a course for fuzzy chatter but for women who are ready to turn their entire lives around and finally give their dream idea a chance.

say no more, I'm in!
So Who am i anyway? Here's the full story

I’m Adriana Bubori

I tried the classic path of going to university and getting a well-paid job in a large corporate - and while that works fror many, it wasn't for me.

(And since you found your way here, it's probably not for you either).Serial founder of several startups in various industries with the freedom to work from anywhere, anytime.

I thought I had made the right choice by studying a promising field, graduating and working in one of the biggest companies out there and climb the corporate ladder while looking at the lives of my bosses ...

I remember thinking, "Do I really want to spend my life like them?"

I was dreaming of spending the precious years of my life doing the things I am really passionate about. To be my own boss and get money for truly improving other people's lives.

I wanted to be my own boss, work at times that suited me best, and have the freedom to decide for myself how much money I earned, rather than being categorized by my age and "work experience."

This is what happened after I took the leap and pursued my idea

I tripled my income in just one year, even though I already had a 6-figure income at the time.
I gained customers all over the world and was able to build a stable customer network that was much more secure than my old job
I was suddenly so flexible in terms of time and place that I spent my first workation on Mallorca for a month, while continuing to earn my income all over the world
My mission

Making your dream of living in freedom come true, because you deserve it.

"But Adriana, I don't have as much experience as you, how are you sure that I can do it?"

When I started, I had absolutely zero plan. I come from a simple household in the south of Germany, had no entrepreneurs to look up to and no experience.

As a woman, we put ourselves in the shadows far too often anyway even though we have so many gifts that could benefit the world.

To help you dare finally live your dream life, I've compiled all of my tested and proven steps and secret shortcuts in my courses for you.

With this knowledge, I'm 100% sure:
If I can do it, you can do it!

30 minutes per day that will change your entire life!

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Course overview

A glimpse of the course

find your dream biz

Day 1

Find your circle of expertise

"It's not bragging if it's based on facts!" - Find out what you are an expert in and can help others with your expertise. The question of what you see yourself as an expert in is the most difficult for many founders and keeps them from starting up, as we are often taught by our society that it is not good to praise ourselves. With my detailed process you create step by step clarity where exactly your Circle of Expertise lies.

Day 2

Define your dream life

What would your life look like if you could envision it? What would you do every day, what would you stop doing and what place would your work have in it? These are questions for which we take far too little time in everyday life, when we are busy bringing in so much so that we can pay our bills, while it is an important basis for finding a business idea that allows us to build a life that we actually want to live.

Day 3

Explore your inner drivers

Your personal values and beliefs have a huge impact on which business ideas are going to work for you, as nothing manipulates your success more than an inner conflict. To find out which business ideas are perfectly aligned with your values and inner drivers, you are going to explore them in detail on Day 3.

Day 4

Analyze your current situation

Are you already an experienced founder or are you starting a business for the first time? How much financial resources do you have available and how much time can you realistically spend on your new business? Don't worry, even if you are starting a business for the first time and have few resources, we will find the right business idea for you, at the same time this clarity is important to make the perfect choice for you.

Day 5

Ideating Business Ideas

On day five, it's time to get down to business and have some fun! Now you can let your creativity run wild and just put all the ideas you have on paper. Today you can throw out all your crazy ideas before we sort them out on day six with a good dose of realism and criticism.

Day 6

Evaluating Your Business Ideas

Your ideas have unforeseen potential, which you now analyze with my structured process. Then, using a creativity technique, we sort them according to suitability for you, giving all objections their place and shaping the idea so that it brings the greatest potential.

Day 7

Decision Making and Getting Started

While before we analyzed all the ideas pretty systematically, today you go deep and decide on the business idea that will change your life based on your collective consciousness before we create an action plan and you take the first step into your new life.

Are you ready to start your new life?

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Clear strategies for individual solutions, no one-size-fits-all formulas

Take the course flexibly, whenever and wherever you have time.

Short videos of 15-30 minutes in length, designed to stay maximally focused.

By the end of the 7 Day Business Idea Incubator you will ...

Have your new business idea ready that will help you to build your dream life - um, hello new career!
Know your values and inner drivers that motivate you as you strive for your dream life
Have step-by-step assessment method that you can repeat at any time if you need to pivot along the way
Have proven strategies to come back to when when you need to make important decisions in your life