FB101: On high ticket sales and your next road trip
Happy Freedom Business 101 Thursday!
And now, here’s 1 growth resource, 1 answer to your question, and 1 question to consider this week 🤍
I. Growth Resource
This is seriously one of the most valuable podcast episodes I have ever listened to, talking about launching and building successful online businesses:
Tim Ferriss x James Clear (Author of Atomic Habits)
(I know it’s lengthy, but it’s so worth it! If you have a long road trip ahead, this episode is perfect.)
II. Answer to Question:
Jessica asked: “How can I charge high-ticket offers?”
There are a few factors that influence how much you can charge for your offer, but these are the two most important ones:
- How “special” your offer is
- How your offer is structured
So let’s dive into it.
1 ) How special your offer is:
Are you offering what thousands of others are offering as well? I love the following example:
If you want to buy some white socks, where do you buy them? Do you go to the next Louis Vuitton store trying to find some white socks? Probably not. Most people would go on Amazon and search for some white socks because they don’t need to be from a special brand. Thousands of brands offer almost the same product. This is what we call a commodity, and when you’re selling a commodity, a buyer's decision comes down to two things: trust (how many positive reviews) and price (who sells at the lowest price).
This is what you don’t want because there’s almost always someone who can offer it cheaper.
So you need some kind of secret sauce, a special way of solving something that only YOU can offer and nobody can copy. I’m talking about this a lot within OBLA. If you haven’t heard about OBLA before, you can watch my free class.
2 ) How your offer is structured:
There’s one psychological hack that helps you sell high-ticket offers a lot easier, and it’s pretty simple. So here’s the tea:
Humans value multiple small features higher than just one big offer.
So let’s say you want to sell a website for $10k. You would never just offer this one price point.
Instead, you add the brand design, the website design, SEO, web development, and so on separately. That way, the client values the sum of the products or features a lot higher, which makes it easier to increase the price.
I explain this in a few seconds in one of my latest reels, watch it here ⬅️
You want your question to be answered in one of the next episodes? Then hit the reply button and send it to me (no need to be shy).
III. Question for you:
Sometimes we try so hard to achieve things, we lose our focus and start running in circles. So ask yourself: “What's the one thing you can do so that everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”
P.S. The 30-Day Freedom Builder Summer Challenge early bird pricing ends soon. If you want to make big steps this summer and learn how to make your first $1k online, this challenge might be for you. It’s only 10 minutes a day and costs less than a cappuccino a day. So if you’re ready to end this summer strong, what are you waiting for? 🔥